Lets Run the Numbers

An IT Manager’s Average Base Pay is $97,792/yr. or $8,149.33/month; that’s not including health, benefits, and additional drains to company resources. Now what if I told you could get more, without spending more?
At Quality Computer, you get a single monthly amount based off your company’s needs, with which you get full support from our trained staff, IT Field Technician $40K, IT Help Desk Technician $44K, IT Specialist $62K, IT Support $52K, and Network Engineer $77K. Put it all together that’s $275K! So, when you choose Quality Computer instead of hiring an internal IT Technician you are essentially getting $178k in additional value. Now those are some numbers I think we can all boast about at our next board of directors meeting!
Salaries from Glassdoor Updated Jan 30, 2018.